According to the food and drug administration(FDA)  their is no official definition for functional foods.The academy of nutrition and dietetics define functional foods as 
"whole foods along with fortified, enriched and enhanced foods that have a potentially benficial effect on health when comsumed as part of a varried diet on regular basis at effective levels based on significant standards of evidence"
Basically,these foods provide a health benefits in addition to macro or micro nutrients.THese foods are vital in disease prevention and include fortified foods,phyto nutrients-containing fruits and vegetables, fermented foods, fish and chocolate. 
"any food item inwhich a particular nutrient is added for functional purpose is called functional food. 
The functional food can have both naturally occuring nutrients and the nutrients added to them artificially. These foods have targeted nutritional values for performing a specific function. 
Functional foods give enhanced health benefits above their natural nutrients and advantages.

The term functional food are used first in JApan in 80's.They are processed food containing nutritional components along with the various diesease/mechamisms.
                                                               They have additional function which is important to heal any kind of serious injury or harm done to our body. Forexample, to decrease cholestrol, the consumption of soya proteins and oat fibers is advantageous. 
                                                    It was written 2500 year ago, 
"prepare food like medicines and medicine like food".
In western countries, this food is considered revolutionary.From ancient times, foods as been consumed for it medical values in our country and now the whole world is following this practice.and these old methods of estern treatment, food companies have started researcg at ground level and launched functional foods in the market. 

The mixed flour available in market is a perfect example of this. It is a mixture of oat,barley,protein,and fibre and helps in decresing cholestrol. This kind of food helps us away from diseases and help us to take care of yourself in a betterway. If the fibre present in food give u the advantage of wholesome meal, then vitamin is important for energy. 

Forttified foods are considered funtional as they have vitamins and minerals added to them in order to prevent diseases. "VITAMIN D" is added to milj as it helps with calcium absorption, which is vital in the preservation of "RICKETS" and " OSTEOPOROSIS" 

_FLOUR and CEREALS:- in the U. S are fortified with folic acid, a B vitamin that is essential in the preventuo. Of NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS in infants.Some types of salt contain iodine, which prevents intellectual and developmental disasbilities as well as enlarged thyroid glands.

_FRUITS &VEGETABLES:-are considered funtional foods, as they have specific compounds that have been shown to prevent and reduces diseases. These compounds are known as phytonutrients including lycopene, anthocyanin, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxhanthin.
_RED & PURPLE FRUITS &VEGETABLES:-including carrots,mamgoes,apricots,pumpkin,sweet potatoes,  contain beta-carotene,which prevents  macular degeneration. Yellow fruits and vegetables such as citrus, peaches, papayas, nectarines, contain beta cryptothanxin,which is linked with improved eye sight, growth and immune function. 


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