DEFINITION:- According to the food and drug administration(FDA)  their is no official definition for functional foods.The academy of nutrition and dietetics define functional foods as  "whole foods along with fortified, enriched and enhanced foods that have a potentially benficial effect on health when comsumed as part of a varried diet on regular basis at effective levels based on significant standards of evidence" Basically,these foods provide a health benefits in addition to macro or micro nutrients.THese foods are vital in disease prevention and include fortified foods,phyto nutrients-containing fruits and vegetables, fermented foods, fish and chocolate.                               OR "any food item inwhich a particular nutrient is added for functional purpose is called functional food.  The functional food can have both naturally occuring nutrients and the nutrients added to them artificially. These foods have targeted nutritional values for performing a specific

Corona virus will end soon(wHO)pakistan covid 19 symptoms,akaline foods for corona patients??

Corona virus defend by these ways.. According to who pakistan
1-self care
2-social distances 
3-healthy diet that will help in boosting up your immune system 
there are no specific vaccines or medicines for COVID-Treatments are under investigation and will be tested through trials. WHO(world health organization) ..
Consult your nutritionist for a good immunity boost doit plans to that will help to boosten up your almost 100 people 3% peoples are infected by this virus.. And they have a weak immunity.   
Womens who are pregnant should take care of her self more than the normal because.. Her immunity level is tok weak.. Due to this women face many complications during child birth ..forexamples ''retard growth '',miscarriages may occur.. She should have to consult her gynecologist or a nutritionist to recommend her supplements (calcium, iron,folic acid,)etc ..
Information from pateints recovering from hospitals. 
1-Take vitamin c1000
2-Take vitamin E
3-Egg one item
4-Take a rest\get a 7 to 8 hours min. 
5-Drink 1.5L of water daily and every meal should b warm(not cold) that's  what we do in the hospitals.
This is to tell all of us that the ph for coronary virus is between 5.5 to 6.5..
What we do to defend this coronary virus is to consume more alkaline foods above the virus's ph level..
Some of them are
1-lemon 9.9ph
2-lime 8.2ph
3-Advocados 15.6ph
4-Garlic 13.2ph
5-Mangos 8.7ph
6-Tangerin 8.5ph
7-Pineapple 12.7ph
8-Orange 9.2ph
9-Turmeric tea7.4
How did u know u had a coronavirus? 

1-Itching in the throat 
2-Dry throat
3-High temperature
4-Shortness of breath
5-Loss of smell and taste
So when you pay attention to these things quikly take warm water with lemon and drink.. 
Don't keep the information to yourself give it to all your family and freinds.thanks.


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